Thai Chokdee Restaurant and Authentic Thai Cuisine
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Welcome to Thai Chokdee Restaurant Boston spa

Our Delicious Story
Thai food is a cultural inheritance transferred to and from generations. In Thai eating culture, rice is the main component to be consumed with other supplements. The Thai menu is composed of diverse methods of cooking, for instance, boiling, soup, frying, spicy salad and the chilli paste with the combination of tastes; sour, salty, sweet and spicy that is rarely found in other national cuisines. Basically, the preparation and the cooking method of the Thai food are delicate. In addition, the decoration by using various colours of vegetables and fruits including the carving of these materials are the arts inherited from the ancient time. These make the Thai food popular in many countries. Thai food is outstanding in the combination of tastes and the nutritional values which are different from others and make the foods popular all over the world.
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